Surah Fatiha with Urdu Translation
Surah Fatiha with Urdu Translation

Download Surah Fatiha MP3 with Urdu Translation listen and downlod at dcnaatradio

Ya Rasool Allah (S.A.W) Tere
Ya Rasool Allah (S.A.W) Tere

Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri is a Pakistani who has traveled widely as a Naat Khawan. He has been described by The Times of India as “arguably the most popular naat reciter on the planet”.Dedicate to Owais Bhai.

Shehr E Nabi(S.A.W.W) MP3
Shehr E Nabi(S.A.W.W) MP3

Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri is a Pakistani who has traveled widely as a Naat Khawan. He has been described by The Times of India as “arguably the most popular naat reciter on the planet”.Dedicate to Owais Bhai.

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